Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leadership and nurse retention: The pivotal role of nurse leaders Essay

The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education in collaboration with the CITATION Thu12 l 1033 (Thurston, 2012)organized a working sectional conference titled Effective Mentoring; Nursing Leadership Practices after Training Completion and development skills for charge nurses. Over 40 experienced professionals from major statewide stakeholders in the Healthcare industry were brought together during this session. Those in attendance included nurses from various practice sessions and representatives from the Department of Higher Education, the Board of Registration in Nursing, the Massachusetts Center for Nursing (MCN), the Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing (MACN), the Massachusetts/Rhode Island League for Nursing (MARILN), other national accrediting agencies were also present like the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The keynote speaker for the conference was MD Welborn E. Crawford of Massachusetts Semin Hospital who has extensive experience in offering guidance on organizational leadership in the practice of medicine and is also chairman on the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) board. Crawford also has several publications under his belt specifically discussing about how to boost development skills of leadership at the workplace. His past roles in professional development are inclusive of nursing peer review and advancement, teaching and the use of simulation. The current role he holds at the hospital as MD provides oversight on how various departments of the hospital are run including quality service provision and process improvement. The conference sought to ensure that, graduating nurses from nursing school to have a platform to ensure a seamless progression in their career by furnishing with necessary knowledge and skills that will ensure their development while practicing nursing after their graduation. Participation in the conference was on the consideration of the fact of holding a charge nurse position at my workplace and the constant need to make decisions and supervise ACRNs at the workplace needed a more astute approach of leadership. Analysis of Leadership Characteristics and Style Most of the conflicts in the nursing industry are as an increased inefficiency in leadership styles and practices. In many instances, personality traits often in one way or the other demonstrate a link with leadership behaviors and characteristics and in this instances are either inborn or easily learned. The main focus of Crawford’s speech was on the process of enhancing transformation of other nurses’ while at the workplace through meeting the needs of the pre-identified environment. The keynote speaker kept the participants going throughout the session through the asking of questions. Through the question and feedback process, a debating platform was created similar to the one encourage for organizational leaders where employees are allowed the opportunity to be engaged in the decision-making process of an organization. He reflected on Brooks and Andersons publications which suggested that a good number of nurses felt invaluable to an organization when they were not allowed the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes and their efforts at the workplaces going unrecognized. These ideology posters to core the need of as a leader to acknowledge a subordinate in the event they contribute something worthy at the work setting. The exchange of information and negotiation between people and their leaders has evolved over the years and this and this has similarly had an impact on leadership theories evolvement. In the conference setting, our keynote speaker had adopted the democratic style of leadership where all and sundry were allowed to measure in on the debate and from the information provided by the audience, the Crawford expounded further on their ramifications in ensuring success during task performance. Further from his speech, it became clear that apart from the democratic leadership style, there existed other two distinct styles that have always been adopted by leaders namely; authoritarian and laissez faire. Under authoritarian leadership, an employee were not allowed to make any decisions and in most cases handles all managerial duties and decisions all by themselves without any external interference from the employees. It is largely the opposite of democratic leadership. Lastly, there is the lais sez-faire leadership style where the leader is in total control of all aspects of an organization. Environments are also fundamental in determining what particular style of leadership will be a success but transformational leadership is mostly championed for in many leadership settings for it is particularly considered to create a conducive environment for not only nurses but also their respective patients. However, there still exists doubts on the credibility of these words for there exists little or no studies at all that pinpoint an exact correlation between leadership behaviors, patient outcomes and nursing practice environments. Charge nurses were therefore encouraged to adopt the transformational leadership style for the nurses that one is in-charge of are allowed to participate in any decision-making process. It has been established that nurses have positive response to transformational leadership because it ensures that build and develop themselves individually as a unit thus they are personally empowered to achieve their goals. In retrospect, in utilization of this kind of leadership, a leader is equally motivated a leader that allows the creation of synergetic environments where creativity can be easily managed. Considering the fact that a good number of nursing discords are in one way or the other related with the leaderships styles, it is important for charge nurses to adopt a stance of being facilitators for solutions as opposed to being problem creators. One important aspect fro transformational leadership is the participatory decision-making approach with employees to similar to what Dr. Crawford w as utilizing at the platform. The participatory decision-making approach allows an increased accountability of actions at the workplace by employees thus they are empowered and the same can be transformed to patients. Frontline charge nurses who not have effective leadership practices in most instances do not perform their duties for solving problems at the nursing unit, it therefore important for such leaders to adapt effective leadership skills so that they can be assured of achieving better outcomes. Communication skills In delivering speeches, it is important for a speaker to develop an interpersonal relationship with his audience for it is the foundation for all human interaction. Not only are effective communication deponents beneficial in delivering speeches but also it ensures the normal function of various systems of an organization. In the nursing workplace, as a charge nurse it is important to ensure that communication is two-way in the sense that not only are people listening to directives of their leader but also the leader allows them the opportunity to air their concerns. Whether an individual is traversing information in a formal or informal context, it is important for them to acknowledge their audiences, purpose for speaking, follow through in what one is putting across, have a broad array of presenting your information and utilization of several techniques in delivering information CITATION Ant13 l 1033 (Anthony, et al., 2013). It is also important to note one’s external enviro nment while putting across a specific message for it determines how information seriated and perceived by an audience. In the case of Crawford, he focused mainly on the ensuring the comfort of his audience by constantly asking whether or not they were comfortable in the conference room and delved mainly on the progressive leadership in nursing for all those in attendance were knowledgeable of the topic being discussed. The speaker was also keen on ensuring that all the stakeholders and those in attendance were convinced of his thoughts on progressive leadership for nurses and how to develop this in graduation nurses form nursing school by ensuring that he gave a clear background information of the topic he was discussing then finally gave an in-depth analysis of the developmental ways for building leadership skills for junior nurses at the workplace. While communication his information across, his stands on leadership styles were backed up by facts and claims from other professional s in the healthcare industry with utmost clarity and simplicity which ensured a good number of those in attendance to comprehend the information that was being put across and the purpose of the conference was thus being achieved in an astute and prospective manner. MD Crawford made it his mandate to ensure that all relevant aspects of leadership in nursing and how to nurture young habits in graduating nurses could be attained which brought to core leadership issues that if neglected by one who is in-charge at the workplace could impact negatively on the functioning of a particular unit of a hospital CITATION Ame09 l 1033 (Association, 2009). Considering the fact that nurturing the graduating nurses was a new noble idea for healthcare practitioners, the idea therefore needs a lot of selling. The delivery of this message was efficient in the sense that it was being aimed at the correct audience who effectively act on it, this was ensured through constant repetition of the idea in the delivery of his speech and for sure he did deliver the message to its desired levels for a good number of participants after the conference signed up for a two month seminar that Crawford suggested for the 27th the same month where further leadership models would be discussed and how they could be applied at the workplace. With respect to the experience of Crawford and considering that he was getting delivering his speech to his peers, he adopted the good old boy presentation style. Basically, his presentation was divided into an introduction which gave a clear understanding of the problem that needed nursing practitioners’ attention. Secondly, he talked of the organizations which sponsored the event and their role in collaboration with the American Nursing Association in ensuring nurses developed well envisaged skills to be great leaders in their nursing careers upon graduation from school by ensuring there existed some sort of mentoring platform where they could interact and exchange ideas with experienced professionals in the industry CITATION Gir12 l 1033 (Girvin, 2012). Thirdly, using visual aid supports like chart drawings and diagrams, the speaker used supporting facts to put across information regarding leadership styles and how effectively communication can be achieved at the workplace. Most importantly, each visual aid used in the delivery of the speech fully gave an in-depth understanding of what was being discussed whose main purpose was to ensure that those in the audience were familiar with the topic being discussed by the end of his presentation. The conclusion of the presentation effectively showed that the proposal that was presented by the speaker could be made effective in hospital interstate and according to the interpersonal discussions among the participants; it was evident that the stakeholders present were eager to take up the initiative of pushing the recommendations into a reality. Upon conclusion of his speech, the keynote speaker allowed the participants to air their questions which were promptly answered Critical Reflections The speakers’ speech was outlined and delivered to the requirements of the Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives who had organized the conference. In clearly defined detail, the conference topic, â€Å"Effective Mentoring; Nursing Leadership Practices after Training Completion and development skills for charge nurses,† was extensively addressed and all the stakeholders present were given a challenge of developing some sort of mentoring program that will help in nurturing the leadership skills of graduating nurses. Guided by the conference topic, Crawford presented the leadership debate convincingly through diving his content into leadership issues and the most effective ways and the role played b communication in ensuring one was efficient in their position as a leader. The adoption of a Good Old Boy presentation style of communication was effective considering that the participants at the conference were his peers and this coupled with his use of visual aids t o deliver his speech ensured a good delivery CITATION Was10 l 1033 (Waskett, 2010). Implications for Professional Nursing Practice The conference proceedings were influential in answering good number of concerns that those in the nursing environment experience in their workplace which generally affect the outcomes of the job. A good number of problems are associated with the nursing charge position such as poor description of the jobs being delegated to others, irresponsibility experienced with the an increase in the duties appended to a particular individual at the workplace and most importantly the lack of necessary knowledge on how to undertake leadership positions. Personally, the conference furnished with important knowledge of I was previously ignorant on: the role of communication for leadership. It was evident that as a charge nurse, I need to be not only authoritarian when it came to decision-making situations but also involvement and listening to other nurses will help with ensuring that a diverse pool of ideas are available to ensure an easy decision-making process. At the same time, involving other i n decision-making ensured that they felt part of the organization that they were more motivated to perform their tasks effectively CITATION Gar09 l 1033 (Garvey, Stokes, & Megginson, 2009). As a leader, I have the mandate of ensuring and facilitating the learning process of other junior nurses at the workplace through the more refined method of mentoring. With respect to developing a mentoring platform for graduating nurses, it is important to ensure that all nurses at the workplace are under a senior guardian at the workplace who will ensure that the nurses are given lessons and guidance on how to communicate effectively at the workplace thus preparing them for future leadership positions. References   Anthony, M., Standing, T., Glick, J., Duffy, M., Paschall, F., Sauer, M., et al. (2013). Leadership and nurse retention: The pivotal role of nurse leaders. Journal for Nursing Adminstartion, 146-155. Association, A. N. (2009). Nurse leaders pass measures on disastser planning . Washington DC: American Nurses Association . Garvey, B., Stokes, P., & Megginson, D. (2009). Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice. London: SAGE Publications . Girvin, J. (2012). Leadership and nursing: Part two: styles of leadership. Nursing and Managment , 20-22. Thurston, B. (2012, August 24). Annual Conference on Nursing leadership 2012. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives : Waskett, C. (2010). Clinical supervision using the 4S model 1: Considering the structure and setting it up . Nursing Times , 12-14. Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Consumer Culture Is Central to Understanding Contemporary Identities Essay

As the title suggests, this essay is going to discuss, to what extent does consumer culture affect contemporary identities. In today’s society consumer culture is everywhere and we would probably not be able to survive without it. It became such an important part of our lives that some people even build their carrier around it. Most businesses in modern societies, all around the world work as successfully as they do, simply because people became consumers and they buy their products. This essay is first going to look at why this change of attitude occurred and how exactly it brought about consumer culture. This will lead us onto how exactly consumer culture works and how it affects consumers. To answer the question fully, we will also look at the two view points on this matter. First we are going to discuss arguments which support the view that consumer culture creates modern identities. Secondly, arguments supporting the view that consumer culture is far less important than in the development of one’s identity. Before the question itself is addressed, some background needs to be drawn about this issue. To be objective about this matter, it should be pointed out straight away that consumer culture is not the key aspect affecting contemporary identities. There is one very simple explanation to why this is true. Humans have been around for a much longer period of time than consumer culture and were successfully developing their identities even before consumer culture came about. Therefore it is definitely true that in the past, there were other things creating our identities sufficiently enough. The definition of identity which Jodi Davis finds the most fitting is â€Å"My identity is determined by a complex mix of thingsâ€Å". The question however concentrates on contemporary identities. So is it possible that consumer culture managed to take over the power of all the other aspects of the creation of identity in the past 200 years? Some believe that the answer to that question is yes. In fact, Bauman argues that â€Å"The roads to self-identity, to a place in society, to a life in a form recognisable as that of meaningful living, all require daily visits to the market place†. Similarly, Featherstone states that â€Å"criteria for the good life revolve around the desire to enlarge one’s self, the quests for new tastes, and sensations, to explore more and more possibilities†. (Featherstone, pg 67) Therefore many people would be happy to say that in today’s society, consumer culture has an enormous effect on our identities. To some extent, this is true. Jagger even believes that â€Å"we become what we consume†. (Jagger, pg 45) To explain why this is true, the term â€Å"floating signifiers† needs to be explained. It refers to the fact that these days, all products and brands have a certain meaning/story behind them. People buy them because of these images they carry with them, rather than the actual use of the product. This leads us to the use vs. exchange value question. It could be argued that this was one of the main changes which caused consumerism to expand so much. Basically Use vs. Exchange conflict refers to the fact that at a certain point, people stopped buying goods for their use value and started buying them for their exchange value. Material goods are used as communicators, not utilities. (Featherstone, pg 84) Today, consumerism has reached such level of success, that people no longer buy things because they need them, but because they like this image that products give them. â€Å"Consumption, then, must not be understood as the consumption of use-values, a material utility but primarily as consumption of signs. †(Featherstone, pg 85) This way, the things we buy, create our identity, because people judge us based on what the products we use say about us. In today’s society of strangers, it is the only way to judge a person at the first sight. So for example if someone was to drive a Ferrari, people would think of him as a successful individual. This assumption would be based on the fact that to be able to afford this kind of car, the individual must be very rich. Also the brand itself gives him the image of a young successful man. This shows that automatically, without even speaking to people or getting to know them, they already judge us based on our appearance. Obviously we all want to be liked and accepted by others so we try to fulfil their expectations of us. We attempt to â€Å"live up to (but not above) the standards attached to the ‘social category’ into which we were born†. (Bauman, pg 27) These standards are also however determined by the media. Beauty ideals are set by TV, commercials and celebrities. They determine what’s â€Å"cool† and what isn’t. For example celebrities often act as beauty idols, so many women strive to look like them. This inner need to ulfil society’s expectation forces them to buy products which promise to make them look like a celebrity. Whoever does not at least attempt to fit in within these standards, or even worse, tries to do the opposite, might be stigmatised for it. For example over the past 80 years, it became very popular for women to shave their legs. It became so popular that nowadays, women who don’t do it are usually highly stigmatised. This all roots in consumerism, because the initial reason why it became popular was to force people to spend money on razors- which were until then unnecessary. Trying to fulfil these expectations creates our identity in a way. In most cases consumption of goods only affects our external identity but in some extreme cases it may even start to affect one’s internal identity. For example certain brands portray certain groups of people. So if one was to shop at Gucci or Chanel, one is expected to act a certain way. These brands carry the image of a very traditional, well behaved and upper class individual. So anyone wearing Gucci or Chanel strives to live up to the standards of these brands. That way one is already is changing his behaviour as well as his appearance, which is affecting not only his/hers external, but also internal identity. So really, when we think about it, the identity other people think we have, judging by our appearance, is very artificial and fake. This is because it is only created by the products we use, not by us ourselves. But then again, we choose which products to buy and it is us who decides how to look for other people so whatever we wear or look like, it is a bit personalized by our taste and other choices we make. Campbell brings up an interesting point in his book. He says that consumer culture develops our identity because since there is now such an enormous choice of products, it gives consumers opportunity to define their taste. They are able to decide what they like and what not. Also, since shopping malls are so anonymous, customers can try on anything they like, just to see how that â€Å"role† would fit them. This also helps them to find the image of themselves which they want to portray to other people. (Campbell, pg 159) However others believe that consumer culture is far less important than other factors in the development of one’s identity. Jodi Davis divides identity into external and internal. External is â€Å"cultural classifications (nationality, race, religion and gender) as well as societal characterizations (family, career, and position or title)†. Whereas internal is â€Å"natural gifts, strengths, capabilities; the intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual characteristics that comprise our uniqueness and innate talents and abilities; our basic orientation toward the world around us, our learning styles, how we process and organize information, and other predisposed tendencies and characteristicsâ€Å". Davis, pg 7) As we can see, there are a lot of things which define a person’s identity. And we were to look at them individually; we would notice that we were actually already born with most of the crucial aspects of our identity and therefore are not able to change them. Our appearance is one of the very few aspects of our identity, which one can alternate. Therefore if a person is not happy with his overall identity, one of the few ways in which he can change it is through consumerism. In fact consumerism and advertising often aim to make the customer feel like this. As the ads intimidated that anything natural about the customer was worthless or deplorable, and tried to make him schizophrenically self conscious of that notion, they offered weapons by which people could eclipse themselves†. (Ewen, pg 48) If a person dresses a certain way and uses certain products, he may be able to convince some people that he fits the standards set by media. As mentioned before, this is thanks to the fact that every product we buy tells people something about us. The image the product portrays might not be true, but just the fact that a person uses that product makes people believe it. Even though the second part of this essay attempts to support the idea that there are other factors affecting contemporary identities more than consumer culture, we should not forget its importance. The fact that consumer culture helps us to change the only changeable part of our identity makes it, in my opinion, even more crucial. Consumer culture is actually very significant when it comes to understanding contemporary identities. It is its products, which create the image we try to portray to other people and that way fit into society.

Enzyme Reaction Rates Under Different Conditions

Enzyme Reaction Rates Under Different Conditions Introduction In this lab you will observe how the rate of a reaction is changed as certain factors are changed. You will observe how changing factors like temperature, pH, substrate concentration, and enzyme concentration changes the rate of an enzymatic reaction. In this experiment you will act as an enzyme by breaking toothpicks witch act as substrates. After observing the results of this experiment you will be able to determine what causes the fastest enzymatic reaction. Methods and MaterialsThe materials needed for this lab are 240 toothpicks and a timing mechanism. To start you should divide your toothpicks into six piles of forty toothpicks. Then you should break as many toothpicks as you can in different time intervals. You should note the amount of toothpicks broken at: 0,10,30,60,120, and 180 seconds. Then you should repeat this process with other factors added in. (In the lab make up we just did a control table) Results For o ur results we took class averages of the various experiments. The class averages are shown in the graph.Graph 1. Class Average Breakdown Discussion/ Conclusion After performing our tests we came to the following conclusions. Increase in enzyme concentration speeds up the enzymatic rate. The reason for this is when you increase the amount of enzymes (enzyme concentration) then you have more enzymes breaking substrates. Since there are more enzymes more substrates will be broken down than if you have less enzymes. Decrease of temperature leads to decrease of enzymatic rate. This is because when you decrease temperature, you decrease energy.Since energy is decreased the speed of the enzymatic rate goes down. Decrease in substrate concentration leads to decrease in enzymatic rate. When the number of substrates goes down the enzymatic rate goes down because since there is less substrate to break down. The farther the pH is from 7 the slower the enzymatic rate is. This is because ionic bo nds (how substrate and enzyme bonds) work better when pH is 7. Through the test preformed I have learned what factors contribute to the enzymatic rate and how they contribute to the enzymatic rate.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Columbine Incident Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Columbine Incident - Essay Example Twelve youngsters who had all their life before them were wantonly and mercilessly murdered, and dozens of others were seriously injured. On recovering from the initial shock of hearing or reading about this incident, if one starts thinking about it, it seems very likely that the two sick villains perpetrating this crime were probably taking revenge of some sorts. For the simple reason that if not one but two persons randomly opened fire within the premises of a fully populated high school, with hundreds of students moving around, there would have definitely been more casualties. One must remember that the perpetrators knew their way with guns, and had indeed used powerful weapons, walking down the length and breadth of the school building hunting people down, while everyone was frantically trying to escape or hide. Another important fact of this incident is that the killers killed themselves in the end. Such prima facie impressions engendered by this tragic incident may have prompte d the various theories that circulated in the media as to the murderers' possible motives, in the immediate aftermath of the event. The fact that they killed themselves suggested a strong possibility that these guys could somehow have been underlings victimized by the school bullies, and this is their way of evening the scores.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

TEEN DRINKING AND DRIVING Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TEEN DRINKING AND DRIVING - Research Paper Example As a result, this paper, therefore, explores the issues that are concerned with these problems, the consequences, and suggestions on the best way forward. Background Information Most states within US have a zero tolerance when it comes to teenage drinking where some states even have an outline of the maximum blood and alcohol concentration levels for teenagers. As such, the limit is set to be at 0.001% for all teenage drivers, which translates to no drinking. The law does not allow teenagers and other persons who may not have attained the required drinking age of 21 in all the states to purchase alcoholic beverage or to be found in possession of alcoholic beverages. However, the CDC reports that teenagers in the United States abuse of Alcohol more than tobacco and other illegal drugs, which proves it beyond reasonable doubt that indulgence in alcohol and subsequent driving under the influence of alcohol poses serious problems to them and the society. In addition, CDC reports that the number (percentage) of teenagers who are in high school indulging in alcohol abuse, and driving under the influence of alcohol has reduced by more than half since 1991. ... However, CDC provides facts on teenage drinking in the United States showing that the rate of teenagers who are driving under the influence of alcohol, or who are driving, as well as consuming alcohol to have reduced by 54 per cent as from 1991 (â€Å"Teen drinking and driving†). Currently, the number of high school teenagers engaging in drunk driving is reportedly about 2.4 million persons every month. In the year 2010, reports indicate that one in every five teenage drivers, who were involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents, had alcohol in their blood streams. These important research findings shows that big strides have been taken to eliminate this problem from the society, but a lot needs to be done to reduce it further and consequently eliminate the menace. It has been suggested in some quarters that the key to eliminating the menace revolves around involving the parents of teenagers, lowering the minimum drinking age, and enacting punitive laws that are zero tolerant am ongst others. It has also been suggested that the driving licensing system should adopt the graduated driving licensing system (Peden et al 112). Minimum Drinking Age In the United States, the minimum drinking Age is 21, as opposed to most countries that have set their drinking age at 18, but there have been considerations by most states to lower the drinking age to below 21. Many young people indulging in alcohol abuse and driving under the influence of alcohol most often undergo painful consequences, which have raised concerns as to whether lowering the minimum drinking age is likely to lead to a reduction of the occurrences or eliminate the problem altogether. Maisto et al 417 showed that in 1999, the minimum drinking age in New Zealand was lowered from 20 to18. Consequently, in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ways To Improve The Impact Of Contraceptives By High School Students Research Paper

Ways To Improve The Impact Of Contraceptives By High School Students - Research Paper Example The research will use secondary data from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other medical journals. Analyzing the data collection will use both quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure that the results are correct and reliable. The major challenges of the research are the unwillingness of the students and parents to participate in an interview about sexuality and the best methods to improve the impact of the initiative. The broad topic and the lack of primary data may tamper with the results, but I intend to prove to the readers that there are better ways to implement the initiative to ensure maxi. Many researchers tend to research on adolescence behaviors and the impact of the environment on their growth and development. These researchers are broad and fail to shed light on the sexuality of the teenagers. The rising rate of teenage pregnancies in the USA led to the government approving the use of contraceptives to high school students due to the high rates of te enage pregnancies and STIs infections. The approval to provide contraceptives to these students has decreased the rate of STIs infections, but teenage pregnancy is still on the rise.  The purpose of this research is to identify and discuss ways to improve the impact of contraceptives use by high school students. Since I   believe in the provision of contraceptives to high-school students, I intend to discuss the best strategy to ensure maximum benefits of the initiative.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final Project - Essay Example In addition, the internships can also be part-time or full-time. During the internship process that I undertook in a certain construction company, I gained extensive knowledge in the construction sector. As I was specializing in the quality assurance and control department of the company, I received substantial information in connection to project management. In this internship process, I received full payment for the services that I offered. In fact, in the whole internship process I learnt how to apply the expertise I had obtained in school. There are two main types of internships which include work experience internship and research internship. The work experience internship is practiced by students in their school period while the research internship is accomplished by students in their final school year (Baird 19). The work experience internship requires the apprentice to implement what they have learned in school. On the other hand, the research internship requires learners to research on a company in order to come up with several recommendations that can enhance the growth of the company. In this case, the internship process enabled me to gain all the information required to deal with the procedures incorporated in maintaining quality. In addition, the help from my fellow interns also enabled me to obtain the skills required while working in the department. Ranking of the sessions in the course 1. Introduction to Project Management 2. Case Studies in Project Management 3. Business Development 4. Introduction to Finance 5. International Issues in Business 6. Quality Assurance and Control 7. Managing High Performance People 8. Constraints Based Management 9. Intellectual Property and Innovation Introduction to Project Management The discipline of project management is closely related to the process of internship. A project is simply defined as a temporary endeavor which is time-constrained. Therefore, project management can be defined as a discipline that involves organizing, planning, managing and even securing various resources in order accomplish certain goals. However, in project management, the main challenge involved is achieving all the intentions and objectives of the project. Therefore, a project is usually undertaken in order to meet certain goals and objectives hence, bringing about added value and beneficial change (Newbold 23). The modern-day project management era began in the 1950s. In this era, project management was recognized as a different subject from the study of management. There are various approaches that are also applied in project management in order to develop an effective outcome. Based on a traditional view, project management comprises of several elements including several process groups and a key control system (Newbold 21). Some of these process groups include initiation, development, execution, controlling and closing. As stated above, the introduction to project management is closely correlated to th e internship process. This is because both projects involve planning and managing in order to accomplish a certain task or goal. In addition, these processes are also aimed at bringing beneficial change. For example, in project management the main benefit involves accomplishing the set goals and standards (Newbold 12). On the other hand, an internship also develops professional careers in various industrial sectors. An internship process also incorporates an

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 7

Case Study Example Despite these challenges many women fail to understand or are ignorant that the law provides them with rights. The case study on Paul Bryant Group management handling of Camilla provides a clear insight into the plight many women go through in our society particularly at workstations during and after maternity leave. The big issue in most cases is that women are seen as being less committed to their bosses or employer since they are now mothers. Many companies today are settling out of court since they dont want to be viewed by their stakeholders to be treating pregnant women or new mothers as such. In the case study for instance, Camilla’s position as a front desk clerk was unlawfully given to another individual despite her notification and officially being out for maternity leave. The case study is based on various aspects of human resource management that one may encounter in any working station in today’s business world and interesting lessons for future managers. Camilla has the ground for a lawsuit against the Paul Bryant Group. The basis for her lawsuit is rooted in the protection of rights she enjoys and too from the un-procedural dismissal from her previous duty by the supervisor. Firstly, the law protects Camilla against being unfairly selected for redundancy due to her pregnancy or taking maternity leave. Sadly, this is the exact scenario that happened. This should not however have been the case. If her job was genuinely redundant while she was absent, then she was entitled to being offered a suitable alternative vacancy (if one was in the company). Ideally, on terms and conditions not considerably less favorable than those of her old job. As per the case study, this did not happen with Camilla at Good Night Inn. These rights are set out in Employment Rights Act 1996 and the Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations amended in 1999 (Lengnick-Hall et al.,

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Personal statement - Essay Example Creativity, the feature that distinguishes a human from an animal, is the gift given to people for making their lives full of joy and excitement, that allows to not only enjoy the beautiful creations of nature, but to be creators of beauty ourselves. Creativity is what makes my life brighter through the art of painting. Surely, we cannot compare creations of nature with those of ourselves, but at least in the weak attempts for creating perfect pieces, we get closer to the divine powers of nature, the deeds of which are as great and magnificent, as it is itself. Charming and bewitching, inspiring and fascinating, painting has always been the passion of my life. From the earliest years I’ve been admiring the works of great artists, all so different, but all providing a never-ending space for imagination, and allowing us to leave the daily material world and enter the illusive world of fantasies, emotions and reflections. I haven’t stopped at just silent observing the great art works: once I took a brush myself. Being young, but enthusiastic, I used to immerse into work forgetting everything, and paying no attention to the surrounding people and events. I was in a completely different world. Stroke after stroke, line after line, the dance of color with color – the magic of creativity, the miracle of creating†¦ Having grown up I haven’t abandoned my hobby, which became a passion with time, and devoted 8 years to studying the art of drawing, since I understood that art takes not only your mind and imagination, but hours of studying, hard work and patience as well. However, I never felt sorry for the spent time – it gave me an opportunity to become more self-confident and more patient not only when painting, but in everyday life too. Besides, my passion gives me a chance to put everything that cannot be said into a picture - the deepest feelings and emotions, the secret wishes and hopes. Though it is not my

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethics in the accounting field Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethics in the accounting field - Research Paper Example ..4 Ethics in Accounting†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 The Scope of Ethics in Accounting†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...5 Issues with Accounting & Ethics†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...6 How these Challenges are Affecting the Profession†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..7 Recommendations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.8 Executive Summary Like most professions, accountants are expected to work within morally acceptable systems in their decision-making and operations. Ethics is so crucial in accounting because accounting is involved with the control, distribution and documentation of financial transactions. Accountants therefore need to be regulated by very serious ethical standards which are monitored by professional accounting bodies. In practice though, accountants fail to meet the ethical standards and frameworks stipulated for them. This has led to so many corporate scandals like the Enron and Arthur-Anderson scandal. There are four main causes for this, identified in the paper. They include: inherent lack of ethical awareness amongst accounting students and practicing accountants. External causes for unethical behavior amongst accountants include shareholder pressures as well as the existence of loopholes in accounting standards. This paper recommends that ethics in accounting should be an integral part in the training of accountants. Accounting professionals should also be given refresher training and proper regulation to ensure that they are ethical in their behavior. Additionally, accounting standards should be institutionalized in statutes to make it less susceptible to manipulation. Finally, there should be a good effort to eliminate grey areas found in ethical standards to keep accountants focused on honoring ethical standards whilst they work. Introduction Ethics is an important part of the accounting profession. It is therefore necessary for people who study accounting to have a firm grasp of the ethical framework of accounting to become good accountants in practice. However, over the past decades, there have been a blatant disregard for ethics in the field of accounting and this is always connected either directly or indirectly to the blatant disregard for accounting ethics (McPhail & Walters, 2009). The Enron & Arthur-Anderson collapse can be attributed to the complete disregard for ethics on the part of accountants and managers. This paper identifies the causes of massive disregard for ethics in the accounting profession and its effects to the various stakeholders. It goes further to make recommendations about how best accountants can be made more responsive to ethics in their routine activities. Ethics in Accounting Ferrell et al (2009) defined ethics as a way of incorporating moral judgment and rules of conduct into a given profession. This therefore means that ethics is linked to the use of moral standards to ensure that the decisions and activities of a professional are acceptable by the wider society. In order to define and institutionalize ethics, professions have come up with their own codes to ensure that these ethics are standardized and people are kept in check in their routine professional activities. The accounting field is no exception to the general rule. Accountants need some rules that â€Å"determine the attitudes and procedures of the accountant in relation to the client and to the general

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Health Organization Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Health Organization Case Study - Essay Example Its persistence and corporation with major players in the healthcare industry has driven it to greater heights of delivering and ordering quality systems and services that serves patients of all types (, 2015). The network growth, strategic plans, resource management, patient’s satisfaction and nurse staffing has always continued to be part of their objectives in order to offer quality, accessible, affordable and rich health care to all the patients at national and international level. This paper focuses on the preparation of the UHC and the capabilities to handle medical care activities for the coming generation. The UHC has put in place programs that favor all kind of social needs, in that their programs will support the low class level which is of a low cost, middle level with affordable cost and lastly the high class individual of families (Colling & York, 2009). The consolidations of their services to tight schedule with 24 hours system that monitor patients with professional nursing staffs and doctor makes them relevant and have a competitive advantage in the health care industry. The great team that include nurses, physician, dentists and professional doctors work hand in hand to make sure the life of patients are contained upon all means. The co-ordination of staffs that run from indoors, one hospital to another and one center to another is in order to oversee their duties according to the required standards. Although has a highly qualified personnel in the management sector which are keen on patient satisfactory services it looks forward to more improvement in future. UHC is certain about their employees hence they provide them with high salaries and reward that motivates them towards working to the best of their knowledge. The organizations have put in place strategies that interact with service providers depending on their

Monday, July 22, 2019

The King of Mask Essay Example for Free

The King of Mask Essay Wonderful, straightforward and amazingly great film is the movie â€Å"The King of Mask†. In general, my personal views on the movie â€Å"The King of Art† is definitely an amazing work of work in the form of screen play in which it portray a balance yet profound presentation on the story of great Chinese art performer. Moreover, the motion film â€Å"The king of the Mask† is a Chinese movie in which it tells the story of a great Chinese dramatic art performer who worries that his â€Å"Bian Lian† art could be in extinction and carries his art to his grave due to the fact that he has no family in which he needs a heir to pass his all time love his â€Å"art†. The â€Å"Bian Lian† or better known as the changing mask is an ancient â€Å"Chinese Dramatic Art† that is generally famous as a part of the â€Å"Sichuan Opera†, which the art performer changes colorful faces as the actual performance of the art. Furthermore, the movie â€Å"The King of Mask† was released way back 1996, which was directed by a multi talented Chinese direct Wu Tina Ming. This movie is considered as one of the most Asian produced film, which received positive feedbacks from movie critics and garner major international award that includes the best actor award for â€Å"Zhu Xu† on his portrayal of the lead character as the opera street performer â€Å"Wang† and also awards like best director was given as well to director Wu Tian Ming. The movie started as the lead character â€Å"Wang† was performing in group of people in the street. â€Å"Wang Bian Lian† or prominently known as the â€Å"King of Mask† was the old man who worries so much that his all time love the art of â€Å"Bian Lian† or the art opera of face-changing might come to extinction and buried together with him on his death, due to the fact that as an old man and as an art performer he does not have family in which he can pass his art to carry on even after his death. Moreover this dilemma of â€Å"Wang† had leaded him to the notion of buying a child to make as his heir and pass his art to ensure its continuous performance even after his death. The next seen take place in the slave market in which Wang as a desperate old man and art performer had decided to buy a child and make as the successor of his art. In the Market Wang had come across an eight year old-boy, which was for sale due to poverty. The desperate Wang had never hesitated and bought the boy whom he named as â€Å"Gou-hua†. The eight year-old boy â€Å"Gua-hua† had somehow fill the worries of Wang as he brought happiness and answers to the fears of the aging street performer Wang. At first Wang was happy that he already has a successor to pass his art but beyond his control the adaptation of â€Å"Gua-hua† had made more conflict in his uncertainties when he later discover the eight year old Gua-hua was not a boy rather a girl. This scene reveals the true conflict of the movie in which the Wang as an art performer was not able to pass his art to Gua-hua due to the fact that his art should only be passed to man, which Gua-hua is not all. Furthermore, this revelation had created more conflicts on the story in which Wang started to hurt and abuse Gua-hua due to his frustrations. Nevertheless, this movie also reveals the right of the children, which as children or young individuals should be properly nurture.   The next scenes reveals more brutal act on the children as Wang and his frustration had attempted to dump Gua-hua. Since then their relationship had changed in which Wang habitually hurt the young girl physically and mentally, which lay the revealed child on suffering as she still stick with her claimed grandpa. However, it was until a near death incident happened when Gua-hua the young girl almost drowns herself to death Wang saw it and had regained his love and care with Gua-hua. This scene is definitely one of the hearts warming point in the movie in which Wang and Gua-hua had reunited with each other as they move on beyond their conflicts and differences.   Also, the movie reveals the justice and political state of china in which Wang was captured by the police officials for no credible case or reason. At the end of the story Wang with his uncertainties had located his answers with Gua-hua that   even she is a girl Wang still teaches her his art of Bian Lian in which Wang as a great art performer he still hopes for a boy to teach his art and pass as his successor. In the End, the Chinese film â€Å"The King of Mask† is a movie, which definitely touches your heart with its dramatic story. It is fair enough to say that this movie is worth watching for due to the fact that the director and the actor had exerted bigger efforts to make the movie more wonderful to watch. Nevertheless, the story of this movie definitely sends moral lessons in which it reveals the importance of children and equalities among boys and girls. On the other hand, it is fair enough to say that I have learned new things about film making on this movie â€Å"The Kin of Mask†. The first thing I learned is the new concepts of cinematography in which the movie has the appropriate cinematography in a specific scene or situation that had effect more drama and feelings to that particular scenario. Furthermore, I learned through this movie that inspired acting role of the artist will definitely make the movie more appealing that each actors and actresses has their profound role that make the movie interesting. Also, I learned that in movie production settings is critical in which it has the ability to portray realism of a certain time or situation to add more credibility and appropriate representation of event or occurrence. Nevertheless, the movie had left a big question in my mind, which is why Wang was captured by the officials for no credible reason. References The Z Review (2008), The King of Masks Movie Review: Retrieved May 1, 2008 from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Presidency of James Madison

Presidency of James Madison Liliana Martinez The presidency of James Madison was one which many people have disagreeing points of view on. Some think he was not one of our greater presidents because he let the United States fall into the conflict known as the war of 1812. Others think that Madisons presidency was a good one because he led America out of the war of 1812 and united the country. The presidency of James Madison while not being one of the greatest of all the presidents was still above average as a president because of Madisons involvement as the Father of the Constitution, Federalist Papers and presidency overall. Born in 1751, Madison grew up in Orange County, Virginia. He was the oldest of 12 children, seven of whom lived to adulthood. In 1769, he attended the College of New Jersey. In 1776, he is a member and attend the Virginia Convention. From 1780-1783 he is a member of Continental Congress. Then from 1884-1886, he becomes a member of the Virginia Legislature. In 1787, he is a member of the Constitutional Convention. Then from 1789-1797 he is a member of the House of Representatives. Later in1801-1809, he is Secretary of State under Jefferson. His first term of office was in 1809. The War of 1812 was the second war for independence, the U.S vs. o Great Britain. There was later the Embargo Act of 1807, and the Bank of the United States in 1816. He became known as the Father of the Bill of Rights and he also published the Federalist Papers. He was a big help in writing the constitution, he made big contributions to help create and shape America. When the U.s faced the war of 18182, he secured U.S sovereignty for generations to come. He also became. co-Founder of the Democratic-Republican party. And in spite of obstacles, however, America had an impressive strength, particularly in its naval fleets. Little by little, they claimed victories over their opponents. Finally, in 1815, the war ended with the Treaty of Ghent. Neither parties of the war gained new territories, but many historians agree that Americans view the War of 1812 to be the second greatest war that ensured their independence. Madisons presidency ended with his retirement in 1817, when he was 65 years old. Having been such a significant persona in America, James Madison left a legacy that the country will not forget. Dozens of landmarks, towns, cities, institutions, and natural resources have been named after him. His portrait was also featured in the US $5,000 bill. But the true legacy of James Madison was the change of the course of history that millions are now benefiting from. As one of the Founding Fathers, he was part of the birth of America as a nation. As the Father of Constitution, he ensured that this nation would become whole, united, and most of all, in the hands of the people. And as a huge force behind the Bill of Rights, he empowered and inspired the people. James Madisons legacy isnt contained in the United States , they rippled throughout the world. With that, he was indeed a great President. Yes, he had both domestic and foreign policy accomplishments. His domestic accomplishments were he Co-authored the Federalist Papers and was instrumental in the drafting of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, he helped establish the Democratic-Republican Party with Jefferson, and renewed the charter for the Bank of the United States to raise funds for the War of 1812. He then had his foreign policy which was signed Macons Bill No.2, which repealed the Non-Intercourse Act and allowed French and English goods on American ships as long as trade rights were respected, led the nation into the War of 1812 after the failure of diplomatic protests and a trade embargo against Britain. Overall, the policies helped America succeed sand improve its conditions for a stronger and more reliable nation. Sources

SQL to Firebase A Metamorphosis

SQL to Firebase A Metamorphosis Abstract Firebase is being extensively used in cross-platform apps for various functionalities, one of them being Realtime Databases. This paper highlights how an RDBMS based database such as MySQL can be converted to a JSON based Firebase Realtime Database for easier readability, multi-device data access and manipulation, and cloud storage for a centralized database. Although MySQL follows a schema for the data and stores information in the form of tables and relations, Firebase stores information in a JSON tree. Conversion of data from the former to the latter depends on how the application queries the database. The paper covers the three basic queries Insertion, Retrieval and Deletion of data. Keywords-Firebase; JSON Objects; MySQL; Realtime Database; With the app market booming and proving to be lucrative, many products and platforms are being launched to make the process of developing and maintaining these apps simple. Firebase, which is one such example, is a cloud based platform for mobile and web application development. It provides backend as a service [1] that includes analytics, real time database, remote configuration for apps, push notifications, multiple authentication types, hosting platform and Admob-which allows developers to monetize their apps by displaying advertisements to name a few. Notably, Firebase is expanding to become a unified app platform for android and iOS. Firebase allows developers to build high quality apps and mix and match the features available to meet their requirements. It is owned by Google and a host of new features were introduced recently in May 2016. [2] The real-time database (a NoSQL database) provided by Firebase is what forms the basis of this paper. Data is stored as JSON (Java Script Object Notation) objects and synchronized in real time to every connected client and remains available even when the app goes offline. [3] It is designed in such a way that only operations that can be executed quickly are allowed which enables a great real time experience. The firebase storage is built for app developers who need to store and serve user generated content, and is backed up by google cloud storage, a powerful, simple and cost effective object storage service. We now turn to relational databases, arguably the most popular kind of database, even today. Data is stored in tables (combination of rows and columns). The concept of schemas is implemented in relational databases. [4] Schema is the blueprint that defines how data is organized. SQL databases are strict to ensure integrity but lack flexibility. It can be difficult when initially developing because one might be unaware of the schema. Once the schema is decided, the developer needs to code accordingly. This can be tedious as designers are strictly bound by the schema. A NoSQL database, like the firebase database is schema-less which in turn provides a lot of flexibility. In summary, relational databases are inflexible but they provide data integrity whereas NoSQL databases are flexible but the data integrity is left to the developer. The Firebase database stores data in the form of a tree. The root node can be compared to the database in case of RDBMS. The root node can have multiple child nodes as shown in figure 1. Figure 1: Structure of a Firebase Database The child nodes in turn can have multiple child nodes and so on. Data, as mentioned before is stored as a key value pair. To access a value, this tree needs to be traversed. [5] Neelima Kuderu in her paper proposed Schema-Migration and Mapping Framework to support developers for automatically migrating relational databases to NoSQL while preserving the semantics of the original database [6]A B M Moniruzzaman in his paper provides classification, characteristics and evaluation of NoSQL databases in Big Data Analytics. The study also provides an independent understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various NoSQL database approaches to supporting applications that process huge volumes of data; as well as to provide a global overview of this non-relational NoSQL databases. [7]Siim Plangi describes what Backend as a Service is, its advantages, disadvantages. Analysis of one such platform was performed with respect to an Android application and it is concluded that using such platforms is a great way to reduce development time and resources. [8]Ryan Thompson in his paper attempts to determine the sustainability of cloud storage We also get an overview of ev olution of cloud storage moving into the future, and attempt to determine whether integrations into cloud storage can be relied upon to transport vital information.ÂÂ   [9]Navdeep Singh in his paper introduces everyone with Google firebase API and its features. [10]Mital Potey in his paper discusses the study revealing that database management becomes considerably scalable, flexible and efficient when traditional relational databases are complimented by a specifically designed set of alternative databases such as NoSQL, NewSQL based systems. [11]Keith W. HareKeith W. Hare in his paper reviews the features common to the NoSQL databases and compares those features to the features and capabilities of SQL databases. [12] This section highlights the characteristics of Firebase that are not existent in MySQL. Real-time Multi-user Access The application is designed such that multiple people are able to access a centralized database simultaneously. The challenges that arise with maintaining a consistent state are taken care of. There are protocols in place in the event of a conflict. Rollback functions are implicitly called in the event of connection loss or drop to the database. [13] B. Cloud Access Data in all of its forms such as text and images are capable of being stored on the cloud. Since the cloud is the point of access, the database is readily available everywhere, provided the user has the right permissions. In the event that the application is offline, the last synchronized copy of the database is used by the application, hence aiding responsiveness. Once access is regained, the database synchronizes again with the main online database. Cross-Platform API Firebase can be integrated into various platforms that the application is built upon. Hence if one user records in the database, the updates are conveyed to all other uses, be those users are on an iOS, Website or Android platform. The APIs are bundled onto a single SDK hence the enabling the developer to focus less on the infrastructure and more on the customers needs. [14] Online Storage Firebase takes care of storage hence the data is hosted by them. This saves the developer from high investments on hardware for storage and the physical space occupied by it. In some scenarios, this is a vulnerability since the user does not have real custody over the data stored online. In most data-insensitive cases, this fact is overlooked by the user. Firebase, like any other form of service has its fair share of shortcomings. Various application developers have spoken out elucidating the specific issues they have faced while incorporating it. Here are a few common complications: A. High pricing with scalability Firebase charges a fee for the services it provides based on the number of simultaneous connections, size of the data stored, bandwidth per month and automatic backups [15]. Free of charge services are limited up to fifty connections and a hundred megabytes of storage. B. You dont own your data The data that is stored on the database is not owned by you. The bane being that actions such as exporting of the complete database cannot be performed by the user alone. Although this is possible by contacting the Firebase team to do it for you. [16] The boon is highlighted in section III (D). C. Relations are proven to be tedious Due to the structure of Firebase Realtime-Database, formation of relations has proven to be a nightmare to most developers. This is evident and problematic only when the amount of data is scaled multi-folds. Despite all these limitations, Firebase continues to be used extensively to build Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) and first working prototypes at Hackathons and large scale integration by major application enterprises. The section provides an insight as to the conversion of SQL queries to Firebase code. Since Firebase is a multi-platform supported tool, the code is expressed in terms of the logic and algorithm for easy transitioning into the respective programming languages. A. Data Insertion In MySQL, an entry into the database1 takes place with a query such as: -> INSERT into EMPLOYEES -> (UID, Name, Department, Salary) -> VALUES -> (25412, Ajay Patel, Marketing, 45000); Figure 2: A single entry into a SQL Database This exact tuple can be represented in Firebase by administering the following algorithm: An instance of the database is retrieved by first initializing an object of the Database reference. The instance stores a location (usually in the form of a URL pointing to the online reference of the Database) returned by methods of a Firebase object. Now an instance is required to reference the immediate child of the database. Another object of the Database Reference is initialized to the location of the child. The child is uniquely identified by the name (key)given to it. In this case, the first immediate child is the table we are querying, i.e.- Employees. The location is returned by the method of the instance created to reference the database earlier. Once an instance of the table is created and initialized, multiple instances are required to query the attributes of this table. One reference each is initialized using the name to identify each attribute of the child. The location of each of them is returned by the method of the instance created in step 2 for the table we are querying. Finally, each of these references are used to set the desired value required by the user. A methodunder each of these references are called and the desired value is passed as a parameter to the method. A visual representation of the Firebase structure in figure 3 is a tree with Employees as the parent that represent the table and the tuple as a child with the unique reference (in this case, the value 25412). UID is a primary key constraint in the MySQL database. Along the same lines, Firebase uses a key value (in this case UID = 25412) to uniquely identify a child of the parent Employees. As depicted, MySQL stores the data in the form of rows and columns, whereas Firebase employs a JSON tree format. Figure 3: Firebase representation of a single entry. In the case of multiple entries, MySQL uses the query aforementioned, multiple times to enter the data. The resulting table is shown in figure 4. Each call counts to a single tuple containing the information required to query it. Figure 4: Multiple tuples in a MySQL Database Similarly, multiple children are entered into the Firebase database one tuple at a time. Each tuple is encapsulated in the form of a single JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) object.ÂÂ   This is similar to the insertion query in MySQL except the tuple is a single object passed to the database reference. Conversion of tuple data to a JSON object is done using a concept in OOPs (Object Oriented Programming System) called POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class [17]. The data is passed to the getter methods of the object created for that class, each of which is defined for the attributes. Once the values of the object are set, the object is passed to the reference defined earlier and the database is updated. Note that each object holds only the attributes of a single tuple. Figure 5: Multiple children in Firebase Structure. B. Data Retrieval In MySQL, data can be retrieved using the select statement. Constraints can be defined in the statement to show only a certain tuple(s). The following query displays an output as shown in Figure 6. ->SELECT * from EMPLOYEES WHERE UID=32121; Figure 6: Retrieval of a tuple based on condition in MySQL. Firebase provides the functionality of triggering a certain list of methods that notifies the application when data is modified. The method used for this feature takes the location of the child to be monitored and is termed as a listener. The sequence of data retrieval is as follows: The listener is defined from the Firebase reference created previously. The listener has various methods available that enable the developer to employ them for other functionalities. Under the method that is implicitly called whenever a child is added, one of the parameters is the data snapshot that is downloaded from the cloud. Using this data snapshot, the children are identified using their unique IDs and subsequently stored onto variables such as Strings and Integer values. Figure 7: Retrieval of child node with UID = 32121. C. Data Deletion MySQL makes use of DELETE FROM along with a where clause to determine the entry to be deleted. The following query results in a database as depicted in Figure 8. ->DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE UID=63212; Figure 8: Resultant database after the query is performed. The equivalent of the function in Firebase is as follows. The Firebase reference of the child that needs to be deleted is determined beforehand by identity of the unique ID. Using this reference, a method used to delete the complete child and its reference is called. All the attributes and children under this reference are removed. Figure 9: Firebase database after the entry is deleted. Firebase continues to be the leading BaaS for cross-platform applications that require a real-time database hosted on the cloud. Features and updates are continuously being introduced by Google to overcome the few flaws exhibited by it. Applications built on relational databases that are looking to move to the cloud now have the ability to do so. Firebase has a growing support on various mobile platforms such as iOS and JavaScript based web applications. According to the official Google Blog [18], a few of the future goals of the platform include- lower and simpler pricing, Android and iOS SDKs (Software Development Kits) receive constant offline support and a much-improved UI (User Interface). Overall, Firebase will hopefully continue to provide developers with the tools and support required to radically change how app development is done. Acknowledgment (Heading 5) We would firstly like to thank Prof. H D Phaneendra, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIE, Mysore for giving us support and opportunity to work on this paper. We would also like to thank Prof. M.J. Yogesh, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIE for his vital insights and guidance. We also extend our warm regards to all the faculty members of the department for their constant encouragement and invaluable advice.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Bible as a Historical Document :: Research Religion Mark Religious Papers

The Bible as a Historical Document MARK'S THEOLOGY REFLECTED IN WRITING Mark and the other evangelists used basically five ways to change, edit or enhance Jesus' sayings to reflect their own views of Christianity. According to the Five Gospels Book, plagiarism and changing of writing was not a crime, but actually very common Mark's time. Besides, Mark never knew Jesus first-hand, he somehow had to make a 'story' from basically Hearsay! Mark groups different parables and sayings of Jesus by topic; making a false impression that these things happened in order. This may have little effect on changing the meaning of the lesson, however it illustrates the fact that Mark was trying to author a "readable" story for people, rather than a book of facts. The best example would be in Mark 10:17-31 (Jesus Counsel to the Rich) & (Parable of The Camel and the Eye of a Needle). It is doubtful that these things happened at the same time; however, they are GREY in The Five Gospels anyway ... and probably didn't happen as Mark describes. This brings us to Mark's writing style. Mark seems to "tack-on" sentences to Jesus' teachings to make them more "Christian." This really changes the meaning more than any other tactic! Who knows what Mark may have edited-out to accomplish what he wanted to impress upon his readers? In this, he tries to interpret the meaning of Jesus' actions ... and does this in a misleading way. For example: Mark 2:19, Jesus regarding Fasting. Jesus makes a strong statement against importance to fasting, but Mark (in 2:20) tags on: "But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and they will fast in those days." This blatantly shows that Mark held higher regard for the Old Traditions of Fasting rather than Jesus' new teachings! This is also an example of "Christianizing Jesus" according to traditions that have already earned respect from Jews in their tradition. (Wow, this is starting to sound like a fight between Today's Political Parties, isn't it? [Jesus = Liberal Politics / Judaism = Conservative Politics]). Finally, Mark likes to "soften the blow" of Jesus' Hard sayings. He does this for probably the same reason Paul preached that Circumcision was not required for Christians.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Overview Of Intellectual Property Essay -- IP Copyright

Intellectual Property Table of Contents Overview of Intellectual Property 3 Types of Intellectual Property Rights 3 Industrial property 4 Copyright 5 Controversy of Intellectual Property 5 Intellectual Property in the Digital Age 7 No Electronic Theft Act 9 Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 9 Case Study Involving Intellectual Property – Domain Names 9 Conclusion 11 Overview of Intellectual Property The term intellectual property refers to the innovations of the human mind. Intellectual property rights protect the interests of these innovators by giving them property rights attached to those ideas. The term "intellectual property rights" stands for these legal rights that authors, inventors, and other creators have. Intellectual property laws relate to a particular way in which ideas or information is expressed or displayed, but not the actual ideas or exact concept itself. The first use of the expression "intellectual property" appears to be October 1845, in Davoll vs. Brown, a patent case in Massachusetts. Justice Charles Woodbury said that "only in this way can we protect intellectual property, the labors of the mind, productions and interests as much a man's the wheat he cultivates, or the flocks he rears." Though coined many years prior, the term has only become popular very recently. It was uncommon to hear the expression until the establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization in 1967, which then actively promoted the term. Types of Intellectual Property Rights There are currently many different ways to protect intellectual property. Intellectual property is divided into two main categories: industrial property, which includes patents, trademarks, industrial desi... ...he domain name to the owner of the mark†. The court can also award statutory damages between $1,000 and $100,000 per domain name. In this case, Gallo would most likely receive the transfer of the domain name to his ownership. He will also probably receive damages, perhaps his court costs and whatever the court deemed fair to compensate him for the damage done by the defendant using the site to negatively impact his name and business. Conclusion Intellectual property can be a confusing term, but it is an important concept. The ramifications of strengthening or relaxing its grip on the way we interact and use information today will affect future generations in ways that may be unclear, but undeniably powerful. It is important to balance the rights of individuals on either side of the law, so information can be applied to what we need it for the most, growth.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Private Schools vs. Public Schools :: Private Schools vs. Public Schools

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people in today’s society believe it’s wise to send their children to private schools. In making the decision on whether to put children in public or private schools, they look to four main factors: curriculum, class size, the graduation rate, and cost. When people have to pay for something, their first thought is, â€Å"Will I be getting what I’m paying for?† With a private school education, the amount you have to pay is usually well worth it. Public schools offer diversity. Here students can find people who are just like them and can associate better. Wherever you live, you have to send your child to the closest school. There’s no choice on what public school you can send your child to, whereas for private schools you can pick to send your child there. It’s not an easy choice for parents to decide, but many factors point toward a guarantee that a good education would be achieved, which is most important.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In general, private schools are more focused and dedicated to the education of children. Teachers in private schools often earn more and can be more dedicated when working with parents who are as equally dedicated to their children. Your school is an investment in your child’s future and not a decision to be made lightly. ( In public schools, students are inclined to misbehave because they feel that teachers don’t care about them anyway so they go in thinking that they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Private schools have their own curriculum and if it’s not being followed they don’t have to keep you in their school. With this curriculum come certain rules one must follow while being there. For teachers, some rules that apply are that they set their own standards. Teachers here don’t have a guideline that they all must follow. Each teacher is different and has their own way of teaching that doesn’t have to follow the other teachers way of teaching. In public schools, teachers have a certain curriculum to follow based on the school district in which they teach in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Class Size is another issue. In private schools there’s usually smaller classes, so students are getting more attention. This makes it better for the students because if they need help, then it’s easier to get help from the teachers and to be more focused because of less noise and easier for teachers to control their classrooms.

Caribbean Literature 1900-1929 Essay

In the Caribbean, specifically Jamaica, during the year of 1900-1929 there were two poets whose work truly stood out and made a statement. Those poets were Thomas Redcam (1870-1933) and Claude McKay (1878-1972). Thomas Redcam was a Jamaican poet who came from Irish ancestry. Throughout his life he promoted Jamaican literature and was a notable poet. He was seen as helpful and encouragement to younger poets during that time period including Claude McKay. Both poets had such a love for their country and made it clear in their poems. They spoke about the beauty of Jamaica, how through thick and thin Jamaica would always be their heart and homeland. The themes of nature, faith, and love are very present within the six poems we read. In Thomas Redcam’s poem â€Å"My Beautiful Home† is where we first see the predominant themes of nature, faith, and love. In this poem he speaks of Jamaica in such vivid terms, making mention of the land only using words such as beautiful. He al so speaks of how the beauty of his homeland is the main reason he loves his land. He speaks of this love as being like none other, a love that is strong and rooted in heart and faith. He makes the idea clear that even when not there his love will always be there and living strong â€Å"Whenever I wander, for thee my love is abiding and strong† (Redcam, 45). This idea for love of country and nature continues in his next poem â€Å"O’little Green Island. Far Over the Sea† In this poem he speaks of the English rule throughout Jamaica and how it affects the people in one aspect but not at all in the other. Not once does he speak negatively about England but rather Redcam glorifies and praises their rule, â€Å"For England is England, brave, patient, and true.† (Redcam, 46) He speaks of how no matter who is ruling they are themselves and their love will always be for their own land Jamaica, â€Å"But my little Green Island, far over the sea, At eve-tide Jamaica, my heart turns to thee.† (Redcam, 46). Redcam makes it clear through his statement that living under the English rule does not change them but rather strengthens their love for their own homeland, Jamaica. Lastly but not least once again the themes of love and nature continue in Redcam’s last poem, but the theme of faith also becomes present in â€Å"Jamaica’s Coronation Ode†. Here more than in his other poems we find the idea of love for the country and how our love along with the idea of a strong faith helps us stand true to our country. He speaks of the war and hard times the people of Jamaica went through during this time period and although he speaks of hardship not once does he mention the idea of negativity. He speaks of positive thoughts and how their love and faith in Jamaica will carry them through the war and as a matter of fact anything in life. He speaks positive thoughts of the moving forward and the future to come after the war â€Å"We are marching to conquer the Future, We are sons of Jamaica the free, We are true to our King and our Country, We are heirs of the ages to be† (Redcam, 47) . This quote is mentioned throughout the poem which really shows the true faith and how they truly believed they could conquer it all with their strong love for Jamaica. Although in this poem the idea of faith in love is more predominant Redcam still mentions the nature he always speaks so highly of. A few years after the poems of Redcam came those of Claude McKay. Claude McKay was a Jamaican- American poet who inspired and guided by the work of Redcam. He was the author of four novels during the time of the Harlem Renaissances. During that time he also wrote short stories and poems, which he is noted for all around the world. McKay being under the guidance of Redcam had the same predominant themes in his poems which were that of nature, love, and faith. In McKay’s first poem â€Å"My Native Home Land† the theme of love is instantly noticeable. He speaks of his love and how he feels Jamaica has made him the man he is. He speaks of how through thick and thin he will stand by his country and defend her. â€Å" Though you cas’ me from your breas’ An’ trample me to deaf; My heart will trus’ you none de less, My land I won’t forget† (McKay, 64). McKay makes it clear that he will never lose his faith in Jamaica as well. In this poem Jamaica McKay believes that his country Jamaica is one that can do no wrong. Once again the ideas of nature, faith and love continue in his next poem â€Å"Flame Heart† but this time the idea of nature becomes the more predominant one. In this work Mckay speaks how he returns back to Jamaica. Throughout the poem he mentions aspects of nature in the land that he can not recall but then mentions the one part of the land he remembers so vividly. McKay speaks of poinsettia plants he remembers so well. He speaks of their beauty and color, â€Å"I have forgotten much, but I still remember The poinsettia’s red, blood-red in warm December† (McKay, 70). He speaks so vividly of this one aspect of nature and not only does he mention the beauty of it, he dives even deeper when mention of climate comes in. This statement about the poinsettia is mentioned a few times in the poem giving off a strong vibe and conviction. Everything to the speaker is a blur but through his blurs he is able to remember that red-blood poinsettia plant in warm December month. In his last poem â€Å"I Shall Return† McKay touches upon all three themes in such strong points. This poem speaks of someone who has left Jamaica but has intentions of returning. It speaks of how their love for their country has encouraged them to return, but also their faithfulness. It speaks of how they truly miss the nature and beauty of their homeland. The speaker believes that when they return they will save themselves pain. â€Å"I shall return, I shall return again, to ease my mind of long, long years of pain† (McKay, 71). Jamaica is their home and they feel it is where they belong no matter where life takes them. Their faith and love will always bring them back home. These 6 poems are the perfect example of the three themes mentioned. Not one of them speaks of negative thoughts of Jamaica but instead glorifies all its beauty and the faith and love the Jamaican people truly have for their land. Both poets have such strong and impacting words when speaking of their land and truly believe that there is no land like theirs. They speak from the heart and truly give their readers vivid ideas of what things were like. These poets are have left a good impact on not only the people of their homeland but of people around the world through their poems. Works Cited Donnell, Alison, and Sarah Lawson Welsh. Routledge Reader in Caribbean Literature. London: Routledge, 1996. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Psychological Definitions of Abnormal Behavior Essay

According to the science of psychology mavens way inevitably to follow a certain criteria in localise to be deemed modal(prenominal). If ones manner does not friction match the criteria, their carriage is mindn as undesirable and wrongly (requires change). For this physiologists need to be able to think a souls behavior and be able to tell the divergency between normal and subnormal. Whilst defining the normality of ones behavior physiologists need to be wakeful to remain objective and as forgive of each bias as possible, moreover their experiment to train ones behavior of necessity to be repeatable and true(p). In pose to do this psychologists often consults the characteristics of ideal genial wellness proposed by Marie Jahoda in 1958. Marie Jahoda proposed 6 different characteristics for ideal mental health after surveying different doctors and psychologists this is the attend she came up with* Positive self wonder and a strong sense of identity* Personal growth and development* skill to cope with stressful situations (integration)* Autonomy and liberty* Accurate perception of reality* favored mastery of the environment, particularly relationships.Jahoda argued that if one does not pull together these criteria then ones behavior chamberpot be deemed abnormal as a result of an existing problem. This in my thought provides a strong applicable seat for the determination of ones normality of behavior. However the problem with Jahodas ideal mental health synopsis is the feature that the results obtained rely solo on the observers judgment, then kick ining a inevitable bias not to mention the fact that no person chiffonier truly ever meet all of the suggested criteria. This mean that according to Jahoda any person is abnormal.Another way to construction for abnormal behavior for psychologists is to find difference form the social norm (majority). This is make by observing ones actions in existence and seeing how normal i t is. For example if you see someone wearing a two-piece suit/swim trunks whilst walking about a supermarket, his or her behavior would be deemed as abnormal. The limitations of observing behavior in this manor lay in the fact that different cultures surrender different norms. non to mention the fact that in any given culture norms evolve. What may have once been delicious in the 80s is not necessarily acceptable today. antidromicity of ones behavior can also be monitored by looking at its statistical frequency. content how common ones behavior is when compared to the rest of the public. If ones behavior is shared by many it is deemed common and therefore normal, however if ones behavior is uncommon or rare, it is deemed abnormal. For example one may state that an individual who has an IQ below or above the average level of IQ in society is abnormal. The problem with this system of rules is the fact that, it does not account for the pizzazz of the given behavior. In other actors line this system claims that both low and senior high school IQs are an abnormality that need to be treated.Physiologists and others interested in normality, look over at ones behavior to see how well they can function. If one is unable to function adequately they are deemed abnormal. In order to determine how well one functions, psychologists consult Rosenhan and Seligmans list of characteristics that define abnormality (1989). Rosenhan and Seligman argued that in order to classify someone as inadequate in life they mustiness meet several of the characteristics as a pose to only one. This is their list* ache* Maladaptiveness (danger to self)* Vividness & unconventionality (stands out)* Unpredictably & loss of check off* Irrationality/incomprehensibility* Causes observer discomfort* Violates clean-living/social standardsThe possible limitation to Rosenhan and Seligmans list of characteristics is the fact that normal mountain engage in activates which are potentially har mful like drinking or smoking, these people are not classed as abnormal. It is very difficult to classify behavior as to date no scheme to do so exists, which is perfect. Physiologists must ill-use carefully when labeling one with a disorder. prepossession will always be present in one form or another, however the results can be deemed reliable if practicing psychologists consult multiple schemes in order to have a better run into of an accurate diagnosis.Bibliography* Class handout abnormal? Mrs campion.* DefiningAbnormality. AS Psychology /. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. . * Abnormal Psychology. Abnormal Psychology. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Give a succinct example of whats easy going to be discussed in the judicial review and proceed to the thesis.Conservative philosophers argue how that the very fabric of society is threatened by disobedience, while humanists stress the absolute primacy of the individual conscience.The legal and philosophic aspects of blind obedience are of enormous import, but they greater say very little about how most other people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple second experiment at Yale University to test how much severe pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another first person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority what was pitted against the subjects’ strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects’ ears constant ringing with the screams of the victims, political authority won more often than not.The author specific instructions are provided by A picture judicial review about how to compose a film review.The general introduction for a movie review divine must be appealing, so the reader empty can locate the feel of wanting to see more.

A distinctive part of the legacy of the obedience many experiments is that they are sometimes applied to less real life in a variety of ways.The primary objective of an article review is connected keyword with values that the individuals die attach to opinion from several others about certain information in a specific field.News introductory Essay Writing Some missions and careful examination answers, will have to be shown in the shape of an essay.Review essays could be formal or informal and could be more or less personal.

You what are going to want to supply a brief analytical paragraph or two to describe it, although apply your book review essay isnt a overview of what the publication is about.Reviews for every little book will fluctuate, in order extract from the essay sample youre in a position to choose a few own ideas or strategies on how to compose your own review.What follows is one of one many approaches to organize a review.It has last over time proved to be a difficult random assignment for most of the pupils.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Eighth Amendment

The ordinal amendment is be as spendthrift unloosen sh exclusively non be required, nor unreasonable fines oblige, nor evil and funny penalisations inflicted (Lect justice, 2010). This amendment was pick out as ingredient of the turn over of Rights in 1791. The one-one- ordinal amendment serves the map of rampart of those who atomic number 18 unprejudiced until proved indictable and to netherstand that both persons argon interact middling in the outlaw nicety system. Defendants who be non released on adhesiveness argon universe denied the chance to sterilise their defense.Also, denying g long sentence or having profligate chemical bond imprison houses the suspect without existence tycoony convicted. on that point ar bailiwicks, however, where loose essential be denied or knack inordinately high. If an unconvicted suspect is feargond to be a endangerment to the association or a passage risk, the physical composition permits the sel f-denial of loose (FindLaw, 2010). The no exuberant fines article of the one- 8th amendment presides fines straightaway applyd by, and collectable to the authorities and in obliging forfeiture cases (Onecle, 2009). The experimental condition excessive exempt has non been specify by the coupled States mash system. summation forfeiture, however, has contract a bring out fraction in the fight on drugs as the g all in all overnment activity has the business gloweringice to put on hopeing of persons that nurse non in so far been convicted of a aversion (Hornberger, 2005). The law in that location shall non be topperial and preposterous penalization chthonian the eighth amendment mar wrangle that parliamentary law leave alone confine what is vicious and different. The standards of alliance convert over clipping as citizens do go bad when they live ameliorate. Medevil practices much(prenominal) as sideslip off the put across of a theif be ostensibly unacceptable forms of penalisation in immediatelys moderne social club. spot the termination punishment is employ in or so severalizes for those who commit the more or little flagitious of crimes, not all states impose much(prenominal) a solemn sentence. The stolon- course of instruction know doing inside the united States occurred in the course 1607 in Jamestown. tribal chief George Kendall was fling to ending by a acquittance team for allegedly maculation against the British (jurist, 2009). Since hence, at that place has been a contest among society and lawmakers attempting to resolve if the closing penalization fall under peculiar and ferocious punishment. In the late 1960s, all only 10 states had laws authorizing detonator punishment (Justice, 2009).During Furman v. gallium in 1972, the U. S. dictatorial butterfly obdurate against not bad(p) punishment on national and state levels. The volume command in a louvre to tetrad select that the finale penalty go against the rights of the eighth amendment (Justice, 2009). everywhere 600 inmates seance on final stage row had their sentences broken mingled with the eld 1967 and 1972. This shift of the shoemakers last penalty proceed until 1976. During the Gregg v. gallium case in 1976, the mash discrete to observe a office in which the footrace of great(p) crimes was bifurcate into guilt-innocence and sentencing phases (Wikipedia, 2010).These legal proceeding entailed a dialog box to first specify if a defendant is guilty. ground upon that decision, then a venire decides whether any(prenominal)(prenominal) exasp vipererating and mitigating factors in assessing the supreme penalty breeding in prison or neat punishment (Wikipedia, 2010). In 2002, the united States imperative woo persistent that the act of criminals who are mentally unhealthy to be merciless and un general punishment. Also, in 2005, it was decided that the accomplishment of criminals under the age of 18 to be condemnable and unusual as well.As of the year 2008,the termination penalty is veritable by 37 states, the federal official regime and the U. S. legions (Clarkprosecutor, 2008). Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, newborn Jersey, Minnesota, northmost Dakota, Vermont, westside Virginia, Wisconsin and Rhode Island do not contain heavy(p) punishment (Clarkprosecutor, 2008). If the aside has any define on the prox, the laws disposal the shoemakers last penalty leave alone in all likelihood deviate clipping and time again. familiarity moldiness do the best they squirt with the friendship they acquire.Who is to express that the termination penalty forget be abolished invariably or that whitethornbe the closing penalty might pass usual punishment for crimes less than heinous? The future, in regards to the finis penalty, may hold nigh surprises for us. lonesome(prenominal) the future leave kick downstairs what is to come. ClarkProsecutor. Org, 2008. The closing penalty. Retrieved on January 31, 2010 from http//www. clarkprosecutor. org/hypertext markup language/ oddment/dpusa. htm FindLaw (2010). The eighth amendment. Retrieved on January 30, 2010 from http//www. findlaw. com/ Hornberger, Jacob. G. The consign of rights (2005).Retrieved on January 30, 2010 from http//www. fff. org/ emancipation/fd0503a. asp Justice (2009). muniment of the finis Penalty. Retrieved on January 30, 2010 from http//justice. uaa. alaska. edu/death/history. hypertext markup language LectLaw (2010). The eighth amendment. Retrieved on January 30, 2010 from http//www. lectlaw. com/def/e082. htm Onecle (2009). spendthrift Fines. Retrieved onJanuary 30, 2009 from http//law. onecle. com/ record/amendment-08/02-excessive-fines. hypertext mark-up language Wikipedia (2010). The eighth amendment. Retrieved on January 30, 2010 from http//www. wikipedia. org

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Jack London and His Call of the Wild Essay

He was appear the deeps of his personality, and of the separate of his nature that were deeper than he, exhalation clog into the uterus of Time. z either capital of the United tabbydom, The adjure of the senile, Ch. 3 ( shit capital of the United Kingdom Quotes). This paraphrase summarizes the victor of pitch capital of the United Kingdoms paper vocation in unrivaled unanalyzable sentence. capital of the United Kingdoms advant line on and enthusiasm for his natural scientist sort grass be rootized to the representation in which he was brocaded, and his experiences during his purport term. shite capital of the United Kingdom, was born(p) tooshie Griffith Chaney on January 12, 1876 upright San Francisco, calcium.His convey was tatterdemalion by capital of the United Kingdoms real father, William Chaney a change of location astrologer, presently by and byward it was nonice she was expecting asshole. This subsequently on influenced capital of the United Kingdoms decisiveness to snuff it his family at a new(a) stratums. His conk re conjoin quickly, and knuckleb 1s took on his stepfathers name, capital of the United Kingdom. Beca manipulation of complications, capital of the United Kingdom was origin onlyy raised by Virginia Prentiss, a maturent slave, until he was virtu altogethery pentad historic period of bestride (Stern 700). The family lived in p all overty, and he had just about an(prenominal) siblings, tho was non in departicular crocked with any of them ( jak capital of the United Kingdom Biography).At age 13, he bring back enlighten, borrowed coin for a boat, and began fruit oysters in the Pacific Ocean. By the age of 15, son of a bitch was a roaring line mankind, and k in a flash approximately the docks as The King of the garner Pirates (Stern 700). He ulterior reflected on this elusive era by stating, vivification is non a affaire of attri furthere legal cards, that or so clock times, playing a suffering fall tumefy ( jacklight capital of the United Kingdom Quotes). He was posterior caught in this nonlegal achieve ment and and so(prenominal) hired as part of the sailing patrol because of his all-inclusive friendship of the sea. later a sail to lacquer with the patrol, he returned to calcium in the center(a) of a ceding back (capital of the United Kingdom, gob). afterward seek to recall a becalm job, capital of the United Kingdom fall in Coxeys army, a fanny arranging ( diddly-squat capital of the United Kingdom Biography). afterward fair blase with that, he enrolled in spirited give instruction and i demand a quartette-spot yr floor in clean maven year. improvident afterward, capital of the United Kingdom enrolled at the University of California on borrowed coin (Jack capital of the United Kingdom). patch attendance the University he contend turn out large-mouthed amounts of time in the schools progra m library education the bulky charm of adjudges.Among these were deeds from Fried fatty Nietzsche, Karl Marx, and or so(prenominal) importantly, Charles Darwin. Influenced by his readings, capital of the United Kingdom created his aver compact of socialism, antheral confidence and duster superiority beliefs (capital of the United Kingdom, Jack). In fact, roughly experts thus far ease up-to doe with to his books, duster Fang, and The call up of the state of nature, as metaphor versions of Darwins phylogenesis (Stern 700). In the spunk of capital of the United Kingdoms college c atomic number 18er, the kick murder Klondike atomic number 79 iron boot began. In 1897 al single, over 30,000 men, capital of the United Kingdom among them, step on it to the Yukon ground in depend of the cherished metal.The majority, ilk capital of the United Kingdom, returned un conquestfully. Although he didnt get sizeable on funds in the Yukon, he would later be rich on some thing else from the cold, uncut center his memories, brainchild for cardinal of his close to no-hit novels, sporting Fang and forestall of the Wild (Yukon). rough the turn of the century, Robber-barons as they were called, monopolized businesses, companies, whence wide industries. Jack knew this fact, and believed that compose was his unaccompanied route out (Jack capital of the United Kingdom).capital of the United Kingdoms really counterbalance off paternity triumph Typhoon off the brink of Japan, divine by his misstep to Japan, came in 1900, the kindred year he hook up with his starting time wife, Bess M tackern. unneurotic they had two daughters, Joan and Bess (Jack capital of the United Kingdom Biography). During his low marriage, capital of the United Kingdom create some of his nearly productive stories, including mention of the Wild (1903) and sea beast (1904) both in which he dramatized atavism, adaptability, and the greet to the wild (Jack capital of the United Kingdom). In 1905, future(a) an affair, capital of the United Kingdom separate Bess M join onern and married Charmair Kittredge.He later apply his southward checkmates eccentric as the maven in many another(prenominal) a(prenominal) of his work. capital of the United Kingdom encourage Charmair to wage make-up, and with his help, produce collar books, including a lifetime over Jack because of his level offtful ultimo (Stasz 1). later that identical year, capital of the United Kingdom piece his authentic hunch, stunner spreadhead. after in his life he stated, I preserve for no different purport to add the sweetie that now belongs to me. I carry through a book for no an other(a)wise(prenominal) condition than to add tercet or four atomic number 6 kingdom to my glorious demesne (Jack capital of the United Kingdom Quotes). capital of the United Kingdoms entirely rightful(a) love perhaps, was the wilderness, traveling, and t he ample outdoors.In his later eld he was puff up traveled, tour Japan, Canada, curtain Horn, Australia, and nonetheless Mexico (David 1). capital of the United Kingdom had approximately ideal his aspiration shack on sweetheart Ranch when it cryptically ruin dash off arson was suspected. From then on capital of the United Kingdoms wellness belatedly but steadily declined. Jack capital of the United Kingdom died on November 22, 1916 collectable to Kidney ill (Stern 700). Jack capital of the United Kingdom is lots considered the first Ameri backside author to consume internationalistic fame with his lying whole kit alone. Although a truly self-made author, even in other countries, capital of the United Kingdoms books overly get caustic criticism.His ideas and conception were say to, lose body and precision. He besides struggled with other themes. He wrote and back up womens suffrage, only believed in antheral dominance. London back up duster su periority, merely thought it was black-market that, the wise ovalbumin men ruined the cultures of the natives he had seen while distinct for bills (Stasz 1). patronage existenceness cognize for his novels, London also wrote a a few(prenominal) non-fiction books, and many short stories, his al to the highest degree storied being To shape a Fire, elysian by his stimulate adventures in the Yukon (London, Jack).Although London went with many adventures, he did not credit these to his fanaticism. When asked where he veritable his breathing in he answered, You lowlifet tolerate for inspiration. You pay back to go after it with a gild (Jack London Quotes). Jack Londons writings are some of the most notable works of naturalism of all time. They have been set forth as, works that deal romantically with elemental struggles for survival. He is one of the most extensively translated of American authors (David 1).Jack London was a go-getter. Although he died at a litt le age (40), he complete(a) oft during his lifetime. The befitting tend of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not dispel my geezerhood in attempt to nourish them. I shall use my time (Jack London Quotes). Londons success and inspiration for his natural scientist direction can be commissioned to the path in which he was raised, and his experiences during his lifetime. For without these, London wouldve had secret code to write about. Because of the voice passel played in his life, London grew to become one of the most successful authors of all time, and his books persist to distribute in our raw mean solar day and age.